Solana: How do I create a Solana RPC connection using TypeScript/JavaScript?

* Create a solan RPC console with Typescript/JavaScript Use @solana/web3.js

Solana RPC offers methods to interact with the network, allowing you to real and war data from Varius. In this article, we will show how the connection to the Solana network can be used to interact “Solan/Web3.JS, the JavaScript library.

assumptions *

Before starting, make a comment that you have:



  • Known with typeomscript and JavaScript.

Step 1: Create a new project

Create a new folder for your project and initialize it use NPM:


MKDIR Solan-RPC- Example

CD Solan-RPC- Example

NPM Init -y


* Step 2: Install @solana/web3.js

Install the required package:


NPM Installation @Solana/Web3.Js


Step 3: Create a new Typescript/Javascript file **

Create a new file called “Index.TSand add the following code to Solana Web3:


Import {web3} z '@solana/web3.js';

Import {config} z './config.json'; // load the configuration

Const Web3 = New Web3 (Config.web3url);

export the default web3;

Step 4: Configure RPC connection

Create a config.jsonsonson 'file following the following content:



"rpcurl": " // replace without the URL solan RPC

"Keypath": "/Dev/0", // replace with your private key (if use a few keys)

"Network": {{

"ID": 1, // ID Solana Network (eg Mainnet)

“Label”: “Mainnet” // Label for Network



Step 5: Set Connction

Edit your index.ts file to Connction:


Import {web3} z '@solana/web3.js';

Import {config} z './config.json';

Const Web3 = New Web3 (Config.web3url);

Export Const RPCCONCONCTION = Web3.Connect ();

Step 6: Test the connection

Solana: How do I create a Solana RPC connection using TypeScript/JavaScript?

Use RapcConction to test your term. You can use the following code examples:


// Get the current balance of a particular account


// Send data to Solana Use API Web3

Const tx = {

Data: {{

// data to be shipped to Solana (eg transaction script)


// Other options ...


RPCCONCONCTION.Sendtransaction (TX);

Full Example Code

Here is the whole example of the code:


Import {web3} z '@solana/web3.js';

Import {config} z './config.json';

Const Web3 = New Web3 (Config.web3url);

export the default web3;

import {



} Z '../transactions'; // planting with a transaction file

// Set Connction

Const RPCCONCONCTION = Web3.Connect ();

// Test Connction


That’s all! You know the Working Connection of Solan RPC Use @solan/Web3.js in Typescript/JavaScript.

Note that this is only the first step. To interact with the network, you will need and manage bills, send transactions and load dates. More information about the creation of robust solana applications can be found at the official documentation `@solana/Web3.JS.


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