Ethereum: Placing an order using the Binance API error message: invalid symbol?

This article explains how to place a buy order using the Binance API with the wrong symbol:

Error: Cannot place a buy order with the wrong symbol

As a user of the Binance Spot API, you are probably familiar with its flexibility and customization options. However, when working with the API, it is easy to overlook important details or make typos that can lead to errors.

In this article, we will explore why you might receive an error message indicating that the symbol is incorrect when placing a buy order using the Binance Spot API. We will then provide instructions on how to resolve this issue and place the desired buy order.

Error Code: -1102

When you encounter the error code “-1102” in the Binance Spot API, it usually indicates that there is an issue with a missing or incorrectly specified required parameter. The exact nature of this issue may vary depending on the specific function call and its parameters.

However, in most cases, “-1102” is a generic error code that indicates an incorrect or missing value in one of the required parameters.

Incorrect Symbol: Common Cause of Errors

A common cause of errors when using the Binance Spot API is the selection of the wrong symbol. This can be due to several reasons, including:

  • Incorrect Symbol Definition: Make sure you are using the correct symbol for your cryptocurrency or token.
  • Typing Errors or Incompleteness

    Ethereum: Placing a buy order using binance api, error saying wrong symbol?

    : Review the input parameters and ensure they match the expected values.

Resolving the Error: Best Practices

To resolve the issue of using the wrong symbol, follow these best practices:

  • Verify Your Input Parameters: Make sure you are using the correct symbol by checking the Binance Spot API documentation or comparing it to the symbols available for your cryptocurrency.
  • Use symbol validation functions: Use Binance’s built-in validation functions and error handling mechanisms to validate user-entered parameters before making a request.
  • Test with sample inputs: Test your buy order requests using sample inputs to ensure they are properly formatted and contain all required parameters.

Example code: validating input parameters

Here is an example of how you can use the Binance Spot API to validate the input parameters of a buy order:

const { Market, OrderType } = require("@binance/api");

async function placeBuyOrder() {

// Set your API ID and the symbol you want to buy.

const api = new Market();

const apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";

const apiSecret = "YOUR_API_SECRET";

try {

// Get user input for symbol

const symbolInput = await api.getSymbol({

symbol: "BTCUSD",

APIKEY: apiKey,

APISECRET: apiSecret


// Validate the symbol input to ensure it matches one of the symbols available on Binance.

if (symbolInput.status !== 0) {

console.error("Invalid or invalid symbol. Please try again.");

} else {

const orderType = OrderType.BUY;

const quantity = 100; // Change this value to suit your needs

// Create and submit a buy order request


symbol: "BTCUSD",

side: OrderSide.BUY,

type: OrderType.BUY,

amount: amount

}, { apiKey: apiKey, APISECRET: apiSecret })


} catch (error) {

console.error("Error placing buy order:", error);




By following these best practices and using Binance’s built-in validation functions, you should be able to resolve the issue with the wrong symbol and successfully place the desired buy order.

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