Ethereum: Does Electrum Offer an API?

Ethereum: Does Electrum Provide Any APIs?

As a developer, integrating Ethereum wallets with other services is crucial for building applications that require access to cryptocurrency transactions and balances. There are several options available on the market when it comes to wallet integration. In this article, we will explore whether Electrum provides any APIs and whether there is any dedicated documentation available.

Does Electrum Provide Any APIs?

Electrum, a popular Ethereum wallet, does not provide a direct API for interacting with other services. However, it does have some built-in features that can be leveraged to achieve specific goals. While this may seem limiting, understanding what Electrum can do through its API is essential for developers who need to integrate it into their applications.

Electrum Built-in Features

Electrum has a number of features that allow developers to interact with the wallet programmatically. Some notable examples include:

  • Get List of Accounts

    : This allows developers to get a list of all connected accounts, including their balances and transaction history.

  • Get Balance: Developers can use this API to request the current balance of a specific account.
  • Transact on Blockchain: Electrum provides an API for performing transactions on the Ethereum network.

Specialized Documentation

Ethereum: Does Electrum provides any API?

Although Electrum does not provide a direct API, its documentation is comprehensive and well-maintained. The official Electron.js documentation includes an API reference section that describes the various methods available for programmatically interacting with the wallet.

If you want to integrate Electrum into your application, I recommend that you check out the following resources:

  • [Electrum Documentation](
  • [Electrum.js Documentation](

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